Sunday, January 17, 2010

San Miguel de Allende - The End of the Day

The studio seems to be back into normal activity. The studio tour in November, the holidays in December, the weather the beginning of January. We are back and working.

This painting is one I have been working on for a long time. I have attempted it many times over the years. Finally I came up with a composition I am happy with.

This was painted from a photo that I shot while in San Miguel de Allende several years ago. The colors are the actual colors. This city is amazing. I wandered "Who is in charge of the pallet used to paint the buildings of this city." That day, that moment was one I lucked on. The light cast on the wall, the woman with her beautifully colored fabrics, the color of the buildings around her. I almost lost the opportunity to get this shot. The woman walked past me as I was stepping out of a shop. If I hadn't taken the shot when I did, she would have rounded the corner and I would have lost this scene. Although, I am sure, if I followed her, the scene around the corner would have been as colorful. Who knows? I'm glad I captured this one.

24 x 36 oil on canvas

Karen Rike

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