Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Grant Schirpik: Valparaíso, Chile

A nice spurt of activity after a lull in postings. Thought I'd add mine to the mix. This painting is a departure for me in subject matter and style. I usually shy away from this type of scene because I like to capture detail, and there's just so much in the scene overwhelming me. I had to take a few deep breaths and break it way down to the simplest forms. I struggled with capturing the correct values to show the shadows and light, especially since most of the buildings are in shadow. Definitely learned a great deal. This is a view of Valparaiso on a beautiful spring day.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Mooo ments

What a great day ... and time of day. Several of my favorite ART BUDDIES were invited to our good friend's family farm in Columbus, TX last year about this time. Three of us took a short road trip one morning. We found these darling cows... in the best lighting. (Notice the shadows and light.) The cows were very curious about us. Perfect models.

Love them!

Original painting by Karen Rike